
Articles related to Bible prophecy.

Bill Salus: America’s Spiritual Indictment

Written by on 2017/01/18 in Prophecy

Is it too late for America? Has America passed Biblical boundaries?

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Gary’s Commentary on Chimaeras

Written by on 2017/01/18 in Prophecy

Science is hard at work using genetic manipulation to create ungodly beasts. Gary reviews one of the latest examples.

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Ken Johnson: The Ancient Church Fathers

Written by on 2017/01/18 in Prophecy

The two-day Feast of Pentecost offers a remarkable shadow and type of the Rapture of the Church in so many different ways. The Church of course was birthed on a […]

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Aaron Judkins and Bruce Hall: The Ark Adventure

Written by on 2016/08/14 in Prophecy

Aaron Judkins and Bruce Hall can claim something that most people can’t. They’ve been to the top of Mt. Ararat. Listen as they describe their journey.

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Tommy Ice: The Pre-Trib Rapture, Part 2

Written by on 2016/08/14 in Prophecy

It may be the most controversial subject in Christendom today—the rapture of the Church. It’s a critical Bible doctrine that has its share of skeptics and bashers. Will be whisked […]

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Tommy Ice: The Pre-Trib Rapture, Part 1

Written by on 2016/08/14 in Prophecy

It may be the most controversial subject in Christendom today—the rapture of the Church. It’s a critical Bible doctrine that has its share of skeptics and bashers. Will be whisked […]

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Jim and Penny Caldwell: Exploring Arabia’s Sinai, Part 2

Written by on 2016/08/09 in Prophecy

The exodus of the Israelites from Egypt conjures up images of Pharaoh, the parting of the Red Sea, and the mountain where God gave us the Ten Commandments. Maybe one […]

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Jim and Penny Caldwell: Exploring Arabia’s Sinai, Part 1

Written by on 2016/08/09 in Prophecy

The exodus of the Israelites from Egypt conjures up images of Pharaoh, the parting of the Red Sea, and the mountain where God gave us the Ten Commandments. Maybe one […]

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Gary Stearman: Elijah is Coming

Written by on 2016/08/09 in Prophecy

The last few verses of the Old Testament carry a fascinating message from the Old Testament prophet Malachi. He says that God will send the prophet Elijah BEFORE the great […]

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L.A. Marzulli: The Biblical Seed War

Written by on 2016/08/09 in Prophecy

You won’t hear about this in your church on Sunday morning. Most Christians know nothing about this subject. Fortunately Gary Stearman and guest L.A Marzulli are world renowned experts on […]

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