
Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham

Written by on 2014/07/06 in Apologetics

Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern, scientific era? Leading creation apologist and bestselling Christian author Ken Ham is joined at the Creation Museum by Emmy Award-winning […]

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Os Guinness – Time for Truth: Living Free in a World of Lies, Hype, and Spin

Written by on 2014/07/02 in Apologetics

Os Guinness, writer, author, and social critic, describes why there are “thoughts that can be thought but not lived,” asserting that the West has witnessed the end of the “heroic […]

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Monopolizing Knowledge: Can Science Explain Everything?

Written by on 2014/06/20 in Apologetics

Science is an incredibly powerful tool … can it make religious explanations obsolete? Is the Bible inconsistent with science? Are science and faith at war? Ian Hutchinson, professor of nuclear […]

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Ken Johnson: The Ancient Patriarchs, Part 2

Written by on 2018/02/05 in Prophecy

Try and imagine joining Bible scholar Ken Johnson on a secret excavation in the caves of Qumran and making a spectacular new Dead Sea Scrolls discovery. This discovery might even […]

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Brent Miller: The Pure Word

Written by on 2018/02/05 in Prophecy

For the last 20 years, Brent Miller Sr., the co-founder of Ingenuity Films, has been on a mission. Together with a group of scholars, he has painstakingly produced the first […]

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Steven Dill: Ruin and Restoration

Written by on 2018/02/05 in Prophecy

The secret to proper OT Bible interpretation comes down to a clear understanding of the original Hebrew language. God chose His Hebrew words very carefully and for good reason. Gary […]

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Tom Hughes: America’s Coming Judgment

Written by on 2018/02/05 in Prophecy

America is a nation in deep trouble. While our new President seeks to “Make America Great Again,” by building a wall, eliminating terrorism, strengthening our military, and supercharging our economy, […]

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The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Hour 5 + Closing and Credits)

Written by on 2013/09/16 in Homeschooling

ABOUT TRAGEDY AND HOPE:  SUMMARY, PURPOSE, FORM, AND FUNCTION Tragedy and Hope provides a portal through which individuals can discover, identify, and integrate useful tools, resources, and activities which stimulate […]

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The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Hour 4 of 5)

Written by on 2013/09/09 in Homeschooling

ABOUT TRAGEDY AND HOPE:  SUMMARY, PURPOSE, FORM, AND FUNCTION Tragedy and Hope provides a portal through which individuals can discover, identify, and integrate useful tools, resources, and activities which stimulate […]

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The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Hour 3 of 5)

Written by on 2013/09/02 in Homeschooling

ABOUT TRAGEDY AND HOPE:  SUMMARY, PURPOSE, FORM, AND FUNCTION Tragedy and Hope provides a portal through which individuals can discover, identify, and integrate useful tools, resources, and activities which stimulate […]

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The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Hour 2 of 5)

Written by on 2013/08/26 in Homeschooling

ABOUT TRAGEDY AND HOPE:  SUMMARY, PURPOSE, FORM, AND FUNCTION Tragedy and Hope provides a portal through which individuals can discover, identify, and integrate useful tools, resources, and activities which stimulate […]

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Our Wise Overlords Are Just Here to Serve Us

Written by on 2013/08/16 in Commentary, Freedom

Presented by Tom Woods at “The Delusion of Good Government”: the Mises Circle in Colorado Springs, Colorado; 18 September 2010. Sponsored by Pikes Peak Economics Club.  Includes an introduction by […]

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How Ron Paul Changed My Heart and Mind on War

Written by on 2013/08/10 in Commentary, Freedom

Mike Marion | 2013-08-09 My wife and I were in the middle of a three-month cross-country road trip in the fall of 2011. We had just driven for over three […]

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Joel Skousen – 2021 Edition Year End Analysis

Written by on 2022/01/17 in Trends

Joel Skousen speaking at the Highland Group meeting on December 3, 2021. This is the slightly edited, re-uploaded version. For the full version go to: https://rumble.com/vqbdvi-joel-skouse… or https://www.bitchute.com/video/xPjMog… Topics covered […]

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Joel Skousen 2020 Year End Analysis

Written by on 2021/01/19 in Trends

Joel Skousen speaking in Pleasant Grove, Utah on December 4, 2020, giving his annual year end review. You can subscribe to Joel Skousen’s weekly newsletter at https://www.worldaffairsbrief.com/ . For a […]

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Joel Skousen 2019 Year End Analysis

Written by on 2019/12/31 in Trends

Joel Skousen speaking in Highland, Utah on December 6, 2019. The World in Review for 2019. Trump Impeachment. The Deep State Overview of Trump’s record to date. The war on […]

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Joel Skousen 2018 Year End Analysis

Written by on 2019/01/04 in Trends

Joel Skousen, author of the World Affairs Brief and Strategic Relocation, speaking in Highland, Utah on December 7, precisely 77 years after the “surprise” military strike by Japan on Pearl […]

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