Brent Miller Jr.: The Coming Convergence

Written by on 2017/04/26 in Prophecy

Ingenuity Films has done it again. Fresh off their best selling DVD, The Final Prophecies, a film 2 million people have viewed, they’re about to release a worthy sequel—The Coming […]

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Aaron Lipkin and Daniel Wright: The Forgotten Feast

Written by on 2017/03/21 in Prophecy

Two years ago the Prophecy Watchers team traveled to Jerusalem with Avi Lipkin’s son Aaron and our tour group organizer and graphic designer, Daniel Wright. We stood awestruck on the […]

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Tim Alberino: Technology of the Fallen

Written by on 2017/03/21 in Prophecy

Most of us are familiar with the biblical account of the fallen angels found in Genesis 6. These angels who “left their first estate” produced gigantic, hybrid offspring with human […]

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Jim and Penny Caldwell: The Real Mount Sinai

Written by on 2017/03/17 in Prophecy

The exodus of the Israelites from Egypt conjures up images of Pharaoh, the parting of the Red Sea, and the mountain where God gave us the Ten Commandments. Maybe one […]

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Paul McGuire: The Awakening of America

Written by on 2017/03/17 in Prophecy

Is America asleep? Are we in store for a rude awakening? Gary Stearman and Paul McGuire discuss this and more.

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Tim Mahoney: Patterns of Evidence

Written by on 2017/03/17 in Prophecy

The majority of Egyptologists would tell you loudly and clearly that the Exodus never happened. Just a Jewish fairy tale. Not a single shred of historical or archaeological proof. Claiming […]

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Tommy Ice: Charting the Bible

Written by on 2017/03/17 in Prophecy

The Bible stands alone as the only history book that tells us of the past, the present and our future. Many people have come to recognize the word history as […]

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L.A. Marzulli: The Watchman Chronicles

Written by on 2017/03/17 in Prophecy

Hundreds of thousands of people claim to have had a UFO encounter of some kind. In many cases, their descriptions of these life-changing moments are eerily similar. Author and researcher, […]

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Tom Hughes: The Future of America

Written by on 2017/03/17 in Prophecy

On January 20th, 2017 America inaugurated Donald Trump as our country’s 45th President. Gary Stearman and Pastor Tom Hughes take a look at how a Trump presidency could affect America’s […]

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Tom Horn: Abaddon Ascending

Written by on 2017/03/17 in Prophecy

Conspiracy theorists are running wild with the latest scientific news coming out of Switzerland. Rumor has it that “CERN,” the mysterious entity behind the Large Hadron Collider project, is attempting […]

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