It’s been several months since I’ve been able to post anything consistently to my website and I’d like to take a moment to update readers.
I first had the idea to start this site last year when I was out of work. After reading some articles on the advantages of having a website I purchased the domain name and host. I began by dabbling with the idea of syndicating some RSS feeds from other writers/bloggers, but then took a position with ABB and didn’t have time to finish setting it up.
My position with ABB ended in May so I thought that now would be a good time to pick up and keep working on the concept. The vision was to pull in content that represented some of the different websites that I read on a regular basis and allow me to put forth some of the opinions you’re not allowed to share around the water cooler at the office. Sort of my own personal Drudge Report, but automated. However to my dismay, after consulting a web coach, I’m having to reconsider the probable effectiveness of that idea and just create my own content.
I hope to eventually monetize by using the Amazon affiliates program but Amazon is causing me some headaches too, as I don’t yet have the web traffic to support the affiliate program that I’d signed up for. After the 90 day start-up period ended with no click throughs they suspended my ability to build links. So books/videos/products that I’d hoped to provide links for won’t be here for a while. Thanks Amazon!
Other than that I’ll be taking a swing at posting a wide variety of topics, even if it’s only a headline and a video. At least it’ll get me moving. And hopefully, eventually, be a resource that folks can turn to.
Connect with me on Facebook or LinkedIn; follow me on Youtube.