Os Guinness – Time for Truth: Living Free in a World of Lies, Hype, and Spin

Written by on 2014/07/02 in Apologetics

Os Guinness, writer, author, and social critic, describes why there are “thoughts that can be thought but not lived,” asserting that the West has witnessed the end of the “heroic stand on truth” that was seen in such events as the fall of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany. From The Veritas Forum at Stanford, 2002.

Guinness argues that truth is something which confronts us, causing us either to shape our desires according to truth, or to (try to) shape truth according to our desires, engaging in a thoughtful discussion that is relevant for seekers, avoiders, and even opponents of the notion of truth in our world today.

See also:  http://www.veritas.org/media

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