Why Homeschooling?

Written by on 2013/08/03 in Homeschooling

Those that know me know that I don’t have any children.  So what’s the big deal with homeschooling?

Well, for one, I loathed the public school experience.  But what happened happened and for years the wisdom was that that’s just the way it was and the way it had to be.  Now, all these years later, I’m learning about all the conspiracies around the world.  And the public education system is a huge part of them.  The purpose of this category in my blog is to warn others with children of the dangers of sending your child off to the government for raising.

One of the most recent documentaries released to address this topic is State of Mind, The Psychology of Control.  I would encourage anyone to review it, and the reference material in it, before handing your child over to the goverment.


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